Welcome to 8th NDN Hackathon (Welcome Remote Participation!)
Please register for the 8th NDN Hackathon through the following link:
We encourage projects that:
- Directly address NDN research needs,
- Create new NDN tools or modify existing tools,
- Create or improve documentation and how-to guides.
Hackathon Awards
First Prize
NFD-Android Enhancements
Alex Afanasyev, Ju Pan, Sanjeev Kaushik Ramani, Davide Pesavento
Second Prize
A half-done Sigcomm Tutorial App
Zhiyi Zhang, Xinyu Ma, Edward Lu, Yu Guan, Erynn-Marie Phan, Laqin Fan
Third Prize
Self-Learning for Ad Hoc Wireless Networks
Md Ashiqur Rahman, Davide Pesavento
Sync in MANET Library + Demo
Tianxiang, Zhaoning, Spyros
ndncatchunks Performance Issues
Klaus Schneider, Saurab Dulal
Feb 13, 2019: Hackathon website is up
Feb 28, 2019: Hackathon registration closed
March 3, 2019: Hackathon project proposals updated
March 4, 2019: Accepted projects announced
March 8, 2019: Project pitching and team formation
March 9, 2019: First day Hackathon
March 10, 2019: Second day Hackathon